These are slim, weighted and shaped pieces of metal used to beat down your weaving as it grows. Regular beating helps to give fluency to the texture of your weave. The heavy beater is used for willow 1.8m long or more and will help to achieve a tight and dense weave in a large basket. The light beater is used for willow 1.8m or less and will also helpful to achieve regularity.
With a cute little kick out on the end of the tool our beaters offer an extra bit of assistance when trying control the fluency of your stakes. This little feature is also useful for gently tapping your fitching lines up or down.
We use both weights of beater in our work depending on the density of build we want to achieve.
Small beaters 400gm. 25cm x 3.5cm
Large beaters. 600gm 27cm x 5cm
Basketmakers Beater
International Shipping
We pack and dispatch your order on Tuesday of every week. We send 1st or 2nd Class with Royal Mail, and Parcel Force on larger items.
The last date we can send items, to arrived before Christmas is 18th December.
Shipping to UK Only.